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«La espera» para el diagnóstico de endometriosis en Radio Intereconomía

el pasado sábado, 13 de noviembre, Katia Rocha (en la imagen), de «Belleza Capital» en Radio Intereceonomía me entrevistó junto a Pilar Ruiz, directora de comunicación de INTIMINA Spain para hablar de la última campaña mundial de la marca, the wait (La espera), centrada en el diagnóstico precoz de endometriosis y adenomiosis.

<a href=»″ title=»Belleza Capital 13/11/2021″>Ir al programa, a partir del minuto 17</a>


One in 10 women worldwide have endometriosis, yet despite the seriousness of this disease, it takes an average of eight years just to get a diagnosis. A group of eight-year-old girls front a campaign created by intimate wellness brand INTIMINA that gives a voice to people that waited eight years or more for an endometriosis diagnosis. As part of the campaign INTIMINA has released a powerful short film, titled ’The Wait’, that features eight-year-old children whose age symbolises this horrifying statistic. Three girls are each holding a placard with lines featured in the film that read: “On average it takes 8 years to be diagnosed with endometriosis.” / “That’s as long as we’ve been alive.” / “Let’s end the wait.»


si quieres oír lo que conté sobre esta campaña, el contenido está a partir del minuto 17:00 (avanza la flecha para escucharnos)



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